Here are some special collection of telugu quotes specially to express your feelings.


These telugu quotes are written in a way so that it can be sharable with any one on any social network platform.
here the first telugu quote with a beautiful image along with good morning wish says you to forget the person who betrayed you,but it says not to forget the lesson you learnt in that bad situation.
According to the teachings of philosophers in order to live a happy life we have to forget the person who betrayed you ,we must not hold the grudge upon that particular person.
so this telugu quote  says you to remember the lesson you learnt but not the person who betrayed you.
Best telugu quotes with good morning wishes


This is one of the beautiful telugu quotes i am sure all the fathers will love this because this quote and the good morning wishes with image is targeting all the fathers.It says that for every daughter the first love is her father and for every son the first hero in his life will be his father.
so this image with awesome background wishes a beautiful morning to all fathers.
Best telugu quotes with good morning wishes


This wonderful image with awesome telugu quote describes about the way of success,It says that to achieve the goal and to shower the smiles you have to cross the path which is filled with thrones.If you come across any thorny bushes on the way of your goal you must not quit the game of life but you have to proceed further by being patient.This patience is the biggest weapon which makes you reach the goal.
So do share this beautiful telugu quote with wonderful background on different platforms so that your friends loves you very much for your caring towards them.
Best telugu quotes with good morning wishes

This image says you about the self respect that you have to give for yourself.It says to love yourself.If you don't love yourself then you are going to miss a wonderful person in this worlds..So do not underestimate yourself and always love yourself which shows miracles in the journey of your life.
So the images are filled with best telugu quotes which inspire your friends and they are the telugu quotes with good morning wishes.
also see good morning images with quotes in telugu