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410 Kilometres/Litre Mileage Bike Invented by a Karnataka Mechanical Engineer Umesh

YES you heard it right ,a mechanical engineering student umesh has made it possible.
Umesh is a mechanical engineer belongs to Bhagalkot district of karnataka state.
Umesh designed a bike which runs for about 410km for a litre petrol.

normally we see that the bikes milage will be about 50km to 80km per litre.But this amazing design of bike made by umesh surprisingly moved for about 410km per one litre.

in order to perform this project umesh   invested  about 40,000 rupees only.

After designing such a beautiful model umesh kept his invention details in the internet.A dubai based manufacturing company after seeing umesh post in the net approached umesh and asked him to reveal the blue print of the model.

But umesh inspite of having such a beautiful offer from dubai company for making a huge amount of money he smoothly rejected the dubai company offer and is waiting to reveal the blue print for a indian manufacturing company.
Watch this video,this video was made by V TUBE TELUGU channel of youtube, you can also suscribe the channel for more updates.


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